What You Have Learn In Open Source???
What you learn in open source software, in terms of history about where the arrival of Linux and who produce Linux software. Besides, we also learn about the command to be used in linux, for example, mkdir command to create a new directory and many more which before this we never know how to use it and what can command software??From what we understand of open software, we can learn many new things about it. We also can learn what it is open source. In addition, many interesting that we can learn from linux. We want to say thanks to all lectures because teach we all about what is open source soetware, insyallah with what we learned can help us in the facture. Thank you.
The Most Interesting Topic In Open Source??
In linux software we can learn a lot about new things, especially in linux software have many button icon. More than that, where many of us choose button icon can be applied in accordance with our choice compared with other windows. Linux desktop environment in the software, there are two types that can be displayed, but users can only use one of the GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment) and KDE (K Desktop Environment). On the GNOME desktop, there are three components of the system menu, panel and desktop itself and the KDE desktop has a similar function, but the layout of the different icons on the desktop. In addition, the penal section of linux software is to save space as well can save a lot of information and files. Interface to the Linux desktop software has many options screen interesting theme that we choose.
Topic That You Want To Learn Interesting In Open Source
From what we learned from open software, we would like to learn more command using a command which can be used for general usability and usefulness in personal and we also hope that users of open software will get a greeting on the front. For the future we hope with use the command, we will become a Hacker successfully, not for evil but for the good of all users.