Wednesday, 1 June 2011

  • In open source software have many advantages. Such as lesser hardware costs. For lesser hardware cost is open source solution are easily portable and compressed, beside that it takes lesser hardware power to carry when compared to the hardware power it takes on servers such as , Solaris, Windows or workstations.

  • Beside advantages open source software lesser hardware costs, as you know High-quality software is advantages open source software. Most open source software are well-designed, and open source software can also be efficiently used in coding. Beside that open source software an ideal choice for organizations.

  • No vendor lock-in such as advantages open source software, IT managers in organizations face constant frustration when dealing with vendor lock-ins'. Lack of portability, expensive license fees and inability to customize software are some of the other disadvantages after than open source software give more freedom.

  • The next advantages for open source software is Integrated Management for Open source software uses technologies, such as, common information model (CIM) and web based enterprise management (WBEM).this id high-end technology and can combine server, application, service and workstation management.

  • In advantages open source software have simple license management. Open source software enables for to install it several times and also use it from any location. Beside that we will be free from monitoring, tracking or counting license compliance.

  • After than that for advantages open source software is lower software cost. We can save on licensing fees and maintenance fees. The only expenses that would encounter would be expenditure for documentation, media and support. After that, abundant support is advantages open source software, Open source support is mostly freely available and can be easily accessed through online communities.There are also many software companies that provide free online help and also varied levels of paid support. Most organization who create open source software solutions also provide maintenance and support. 

  • Scaling and consolidating as one advantage for open source software, Linux and open source software can be easily scaled. With varied options for clustering, load balancing and open source applications, such as email and database, and can enable your organization to either scale up and achieve higher growth or consolidate and achieve more with less




      1. details and appropriate with the blog..fantastic work!!!wonderful blog!!!

      2. thanks for your group..! now I can learn more information about open source software... =) good job !

      3. From Group..
        this page we discuss about advantages open source software.. many advantages we can discuss from this page.
